Thursday, August 15, 2019


There comes a point in our life when we are faced with a crossroad. We must decide if we are going to completely throw in the towel or we are going to dig our heels into the ground and  tell our trials and mountains that we will not be moved, they will.

When you make It plain and simple like that, the answer seems obvious. I mean of course your not going to quit…right? But its when you are in those moments, when you are on your final leg, when you look up to God and tell him you can’t take another thing, those are the real moments that test your faith.

I remember a moment I had about 2 and a half ago. I was literally laying on my sisters bedroom floor weeping while her and my mom consoled me. I had never felt so broken and confused in my entire life…I was just done. I knew that in that moment I had only two choices to make, this wasn’t the time to play the fence or be one foot in and one foot out. It was time to fight for my life.

Many of us have these moments, it may not be dramatic. Maybe its time for you to decide you want to fight for your future, maybe you want to break generational curses, maybe you want to fight for what it is you finally deserve in this life. No matter what it is, when you hit that crossroad you will know and it will look different for every single person.

Once you make the choice to fight it doesn’t become easy, but you walk in a power that is not your own. Sometimes, God just wants to know that we are in it to win it. We can shout and quote scripture about faith all day, but your feet have got to do the walking when its time to live in it.

There will be things and people in this life that try to break you, intentionally and unintentionally. There will come a time where you feel like you have no options left and when you feel like that, its time to choose. Choose to fight, choose to walk in faith, and choose to pick your head up and live another day.

Consider it pure joy….(James 1:2-4)

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