Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The faith to be bold

God has really been showing off for my family and friends lately. I remember when I got to a point a little over a month ago where I told myself I was going to truly start walking in the power and authority that God has given me.

I was done and tired of feeling like I was crawling to God on my hands just constantly begging for the breadcrumbs of life. I feel like my mindset got so stuck in asking God for the little day to day things that I have been neglecting to come to him for the big things. I knew that it was time for me to get up and start declaring things that are mine and not just for me, but for my family and friends as well.

I truly believe that God has blessed me with some of the most amazing people in my life. People who love God, who fight hard, and don’t compromise their faith. I noticed (as I am sure you have) that these are the people who get attacked the most. These are the people who struggle with infertility, finances, confidence etc. The enemy loves for us to forget WHOSE we are.

I got to the place where I just felt like “ENOUGH”! I started going to God not asking, but simply speaking the things that I KNOW he already promised. I love the fact that God knows our heart, but I also love that he is very intentional about is timing.

I have sat back this last month and literally have watched things come to pass that people have been praying for, for many years and I wait in anticipation for what is to come.

Just a simple reminder that Its okay to go to God boldly and watch him work. God is waiting for you to believe that there can and will be more to your life. 

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