Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Thankful Tuesday 3/13/18

We don’t know everything. Heck, we do not even know what God has planned for us in the next hour let alone the next week or month. It can be so time consuming trying to figure everything out.  Don’t get me wrong having plans and visions are not only important but very necessary, but some days we just need to sit back and let God be God.

The great thing about God is that he knows what we want. He knows the things we place on our vision board before we ever even write them down. How good is he to care about the things we want and not just the things we need? When I have days where I find myself having a million questions I focus on what I do know. I focus on the fact that God is amazing whether MY plans come to pass or not.

This week, do not forget to keep your eyes on God. While things are changing around you and life is happening remember that you serve a God who cares. Matthew 6:33 says that we should seek his kingdom first and everything else will fall into place. Some days, all we need to know is that if we seek him, we will find him and all will be well even during our hardest trials.

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